October 21, 2023


Dear ::subscriber.first_name::,

Wow. Kudos to the hundreds of folks who took part in our just completed Spectacle – actors, musicians, audience members, singers, puppeteers, artists, sound technicians, volunteers – the list keeps unfurling.


The Spectacle was a lot of things but most of all it was a summoning of community. It asked: how can each of us rise from our slumbers, reconnect with the wild, and collectively thrive? 


In the spirit of the rumpus, this month we’re sharing stories and reflections about what community flourishing looks like, even and especially in our own backyard. 


Your for a thriving planet,

Your Boxerwood Friends


Call of the Wild Part 1: The Vision

“The idea of A Wild Notion came to me from a favorite children’s book, but then the story took on its own life – a story of three teens from Rockbridge County who have forgotten how to dream and who reconnect with their wildness in a neighboring forest.” – Stephanie Hodde, artistic director


Call of the Wild Part 2: Our Journey

“I see the giant puppets hoisted up in front packs and Jim Stewart's beautiful creations coming to life. I also see my husband’s talents come to life with a moveable stage turning three stacked bedrooms into an enormous sturdy tree.” - Jess Sullivan, Boxerwood educator


Call of the Wild Part 3: An Invitation

“In midst of global uncertainty and environmental degradation, it is easy to fall into despair, to become consumed by worry and doubt and loneliness about the future of our planet. The Spectacle’s message is that none of us has to take on the world alone, and we’re stronger together. We believe the antidote to fear is connection, and we challenge you to become more engaged with those causes that call to you right here, right now.” – Emily Kohl, Boxerwood executive director


Get Wild Part 1: Create

While puppet-makers and songsters were busy fashioning their contributions to the Spectacle, so were twenty young writers in Buena Vista, building “power towers” of wild poetry  that rose like gateposts to the Spectacle’s grand, grassy entrance. What did the poets have to say about their project? Check out their artist’s statement, co-written with their Boxerwood educators.


Get Wild Part 2: Dig It

This afterschool club wasn't just about nurturing plants; it was about nurturing spirits. We could see teamwork blooming as they shared weekly compost reports from the cafeteria, curiosity sprouting as we tended our garden, and a profound respect for our planet taking root.


Get Wild Part 3: Dive In

The photos say it all: our 2023 Chesapeake Bay Club trip was a wonder. First boat ride. First island. First marsh muck. First crab. First pelican. First suckerfish and seahorse. For 24 seventh graders and six adults, the 3-day, 2-night stay on Smith Island in early September was a revelation. 


Get Wild Part 4: Dream Big

Mushroom grower, geologist, urban planner, forester, game warden, decarbonizing consultant, engineer: these were some of the 30 green careers represented at the 3rd Annual High School Green Career Expo. Organized by Boxerwood, the Oct 3 event based at Glen Maury Park drew more than 320 teens from RCHS and PMHS – as well as 30+ presenters.  The multi-round speed dating format once again had many fans. “It helped me think about a better career,” shared one teen, commencing to dream . . .


PARTNER IN THE PICTURE: Wild Bird Supporter Rockbridge Bird Club & their Annual Seed & Suet Sale

If you've been inspired by these stories and you're hearing the call of the wild, consider this your personal invitation to take action for the natural world in your very own backyard. When you participate in the Rockbridge Bird Club's seed and suet fundraiser, you're feeding local wildlife and supporting Boxerwood at the same time. It's a win-win!


Step up for wildlife by placing your birdseed online order by October 30. Every purchase directly supports Boxerwood programs. Thank you, Rockbridge Bird Club, for being our longstanding partners in caring for the Earth!


Boxerwood's mission is to educate and inspire people of all ages towards becoming environmentally responsible stewards of the Earth.

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